I'm holding the ticket to a brighter future for every person on Earth.
It all starts right here in Lynn.
If my plan flies here, we got it made.
Lynn is the perfect microcosm...multi cultural...multi ethnic...featuring outlooks from all walks of life.
Lynn is also the toughest audience there is...always operating with our finely honed bullshit detectors on full strength.
If it don't ring true, it's just more Pie in the Sky.
We are America's Backyard...The Melting Pot still simmering, if you will.
Our Global Nature will spread the amazing local success story throughout every Culture on Earth...from the roots up.
Right now, what's left in The Melting Pot is good for every person alive today...and those yet to come if we get the ball rolling.
Let's serve it up before the Simmering Stew of Humanity turns to lethargic, slowly bubbling sludge...like a forgotten Crock Pot full of whatever that stuff was.
I've been there and done that, and you can believe me when I tell you, "There's no place else anything like Lynn."
We all know this inherently...it's some sort of Nascent Awareness.
COMSATG2 will provide us the opportunity to take advantage of this uniqueness, without losing our true character in the transition.
If you stop and think for a second, opposition to change always stems from those who cherish what they have and don't want things to be different...ever...under any circumstances.
Obstructionists fear change because they may get left behind and on their own.
People can gripe and bitch about their daily situation on a daily basis, but, at least they understand it and recognize those around them...all in the same boat.
Life becomes a mock celebration of same shit, different day...life sucks, then ya die.
That type of thinking is where this deep seated suspicion and fear of change always leads.
Look around if you don't believe me.
contact... smythspace@gmail.com ...copy/paste...
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