Call this
Lynn Nine One One.'s not a distress call.
This is those perpetual High Hopes coming around.
All we gotta do is ditch the Low Expectations.
Let-Downs are something we're used to, like comfortable old slippers.
It's time to put those ol' slippers under the bed and wiggle your toes in the sand.
While you are wiggling, take a look around and picture how much more beautiful the view would be if money were no object.
Sound too good to be true?
Have a look at this...
In the overall picture, Lynn is simply another failing North East Industrial City.
We've always been a Factory Town.
Except it wasn't Happy Harry's Woolen Mill, or Pete's Paper...ancient remnants of The Industrial Revolution.
We have GE...a company firmly rooted in The Future.
If you doubt it, watch their TV ads...any of them...since TV first began.
Here's an example...from popular culture.
I bet most of you are familiar with "The Graduate", starring Dustin Hoffman, and have heard the classic line, "Plastics, my boy, Plastics."
For those not familiar, it was sage life advice, dispensed at a wedding, from the character's Wise Old Uncle.
Get into the plastic biz, and take good care of your new bride.
In 1961, GE Scientists came to Pickering Jr. High School in Lynn as part of 'Career Day'.
After promoting the Wonders of Science, and reminding all present that the GE of The Future would not be your parent's factory, they told us what was coming.
Things were changing rapidly, GE was in the forefront worldwide, and they were damned certain of their future accomplishments.
The demonstration ended when the GE Scientists poured two viscous liguids into a beaker, and stirred as the combined chemicals bubbled, foamed, and gave off colorful fumes while the mixture grew out of the top into a rigid styrofoam mushroom.
They too were saying, "Plastics, my son, Plastics."
"The Graduate" didn't come out until 1967.
That gave me a six year head start...compliments of GE and their Commitment to The Future.
By 1971, I was fully aware of 'Plastics', their benefit to Humanity, and the toll they take on this Planet.
The silver lining created a lot of tarnish, and poisonous residue along the way.
The price of Plastic, while a bargain at the cash register, has been ridiculously expensive in many other ways.
There was, and still is, a serious downside to this magical concoction.
I was also aware that it was not going to go away any time soon, no matter my opinion.
This was the early stages of Petro Chemical waste being turned into the single most ubiquitous item on Earth.
"Plastics"...are everywhere...they're everywhere.
Only time will tell how much damage we have done to Our Environment in the fifty years since I saw those GE Guys create magic from waste products before my very eyes.
No matter what, it's still not going anywhere, and has evolved into a truly amazing benefit in Humanity's Quest to remove life consuming drudgery from our existences...simplifying everything to the level of brain dead consumerism, with every purchase made of, shipped by, wrapped in, and tracked from conception to your door...compliments of Petro Chemical Waste.
So, what went wrong?
How did we, Lynners, get left in the dust after having The Future laid out for us...way ahead of the game?
The Decline...
How, Why, Where and When...this is quick.
It was always OK to huddle up and wait for GE to 'come back'.
It's one of the things we all got used those ol' slippers.
Downtown gave way to The Mall, GE never really did 'come back'.
Time wore on and the current 'woe is is me, I'm a victim' attitude filled the minds and spirits of the huddled masses.
It led to the Welfare driven, life owes me a living sense that now pervades the area.
The ATTITUDE took hold.
Then it was now.
Told ya that would be quick.
Now, let's start the uphill portion.
It won't be long until we reach the top.
All in a few easy lessons
...CLICK HERE for EASY SCHOOL...take a look and come back here.
Keep reading...
As you proceed, you may wonder why I mentioned expanded styrofoam as the example of GE Futurism.
GE has done countless other amazing things during those same fifty years.
COMSATG2 ( you'll learn about CG2 in a minute ), is made of expanded styrofoam.
It's a much more refined and highly developed product than was created in the magic beaker, but it's the exact same stuff in different combinations.
Every molecule is Petro Chemical Waste.
Like I said, 'it ain't goin' matter my opinion...'
Might as well make the best of what we have to work with, don'tcha think?
Thanks, GE!